成都seo优化_山西seo_德州网站推广_钓鱼网站制作 Campus information sharing platform


With the development of information technology, major colleges and universities have established their own departmental information systems. However, due to the different development time of these application systems, different development platforms and the difference of development technology, the lack of correlation between various systems makes the information can not be shared effectively, and gradually forms an "information Island", which makes a large amount of useful information unable to be used effectively. Therefore, information sharing is an urgent problem to be solved at this stage. This paper analyzes the defects and deficiencies of information sharing between campus information systems. On this basis, this paper introduces the service-oriented idea into campus information sharing, puts forward the service-oriented campus information sharing architecture, and realizes the information sharing between networked and service-oriented systems. This paper mainly studies the architecture design of service-oriented information sharing between campus information systems, which is called "campus information sharing platform".

The main functional modules of the campus information sharing platform include student registration and campus services, including campus carpooling, physical recruitment, idle trading, campus mall, campus takeout, etc. the object-oriented development mode is adopted for software development and hardware erection, which can well meet the needs of actual use and improve the corresponding software erection and program coding, MySQL is used as the main storage unit of background data, and SSM framework, JSP technology and Ajax technology are used to code and develop the business system, which realizes all the functions of the system.

Key words:Campus information sharing; SSM framework; The MySQL database







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